Using Overture Yahoo To Get Website Visitors

Using Overture Yahoo To Get Website VisitorsEffectively Using Overture/Yahoo To Get Website Visitors. Overture or now known as Yahoo because of Yahoo’s takeover, was the original inventor of the use of the P4P or Pay for Performance. Overture saw that the internet was fast becoming the easiest and most convenient way to shop, and advertising was going to hit at an all time high because of the many businesses in the arena.

Using Overture Yahoo To Get Website Visitors

To get a person to go to a site than others, it needs to be very visible. Providing ads that could direct potential consumers and costumers to their site would allow them to have an increase in traffic as well as sales. Yahoo provides a service that can put a site or company’s ad in their sites that can be shown when certain keywords are inputted. 

Yahoo offers a chance for any company to increase their traffic by using their services. With more people being aware of your site, there would be more traffic and visitors to your site given the chance to view your pages as well as your products. With even a small percentage of successful sales, with a high traffic volume this could still be a substantial figure for your company. 

Getting a consistent substantial flow of website visitors is every company’s goal. Many methods are devised and utilized to ensure that there would be more people to boost the sales and to be aware of the existence of such a product or service. Website visitors are potentially the life blood of your internet based business. 

Yahoo/Overture utilizes the same principle as Google’s Adwords. In fact, they are very similar to each other that they use keyword and keyword phrase searches and to determine which ads to show per search. When a person types in a keyword or keyword phrase to search for anything, the search engines gives out the results in a page. Then at the right side of the page, you will see selected ads that have paid for their ads to be viewed with certain keywords and keyword phrases searched. 

For example, Lets say you run a car parts retail/wholesale site. You choose keywords that can prompt or trigger your ads to be shown in the page when a keyword is searched. When a search engine user types in Honda Accord, your ad may come up if you have designated that as one of your keywords. You don’t need to fully optimize your site with Search Engine Optimization methods and techniques. 

While some labor so hard to make their site one of the high ranking sites per keyword search, you get the chance to be on the top of the list or at least in the first page of a search result increasing your chance to be clicked on. With that, you drive traffic and website visitors to your site a lot faster. 

You will have to pony up some cash when using this service though. There are different ways Yahoo/Overture will charge you. It may be in the number of Keywords or Keyword phrases your ad uses or in the many times your ad is clicked on. Others offer many other services like having your ad show up not only in the search engine pages but also with some third party sites.

Third party sites support ads that have the same theme or niche as them. With more areas your ad is shown, you increase the chances of people knowing about your site or product. With more website visitors you increase the sales of your site which makes your investment with your ads a wise one. 

With so many competitions in the internet based businesses, it is necessary to take a huge leap forward from the pack by advertising. Yahoo/Overture will be a great place to start. Many have utilized their services and have reaped the rewards of this decision. It’s a marketing strategy that will increase your website visitors as well as increase your sales resulting to profit.  

It takes money to make money, while there are some methods that are basically low cost or free, using a marketing service such as what Yahoo/Overture offers will provide results faster and on a larger scale. Many businesses have learned this the hard way, don’t be counted with them. 

101 Viral Marketing - Not Using It Could Kill Your Business!

101 Viral Marketing - Not Using It Could Kill Your Business! This is one virtue a site must possess to lead the race in the ruthless competition in the Internet based business. With so many competition and rivalry going on, every method of marketing must be employed and utilized. It doesn’t matter if you have a killer product or a fantastically designed website, if people don’t know that you exist, it doesn’t matter, and you are not going to make it big. Worse of all, you business could just get killed. 

101 Viral Marketing - Not Using It Could Kill Your Business!

While there are so many methods and schemes used by so many e-commerce sites today, there are still some of those that can help you with an extra boost in the popularity ratings. One of these is the so called Viral Marketing. 

While the term Viral easily depicts a virus, a word very much dreaded by all computer owners, it is not what it seems. You do not actually use a computer virus to spread your business; on the contrary it just might kill you. Everyone has had enough of all those pop up ads and spywares. 

Viral Marketing Overview

Viral Marketing also known otherwise as Viral Advertising is a marketing technique used to build the public awareness of one’s product or company. They use many forms of media to reach out to the public without actually promoting the product by riding on in other forms of addictive means that could get a person hooked and be obliged or amused to actually pass it on, with the product or company advertisement along with it. 

In a nutshell, companies ride on the idea that if people like the content of a media they will pass it on to their friends and family. They sponsor the certain media, such as a cool flash game, funny video, amusing story and such, which one may pass on to another with the company brand or logo or the products description or any other content to help promote the company or its product. 

Viral marketing has become a popular means of advertising and marketing because they are relatively low cost. To avoid being tagged as spam mail, viral marketing counts on the eagerness of one person to pas on the product. If a person sees the name of the person they know as the sender, they won’t block it and open it as well. 

Many companies offer incentives such as discounts and rebates when they help in spreading their viral marketing. They rely on the number of recipients a viral marketing gets from one person in determining the amount or number of incentive they can be attributed with. 

Using Viral Marketing to your advantage

The main and foremost advantage of viral marketing is that you get a lot of publicity and public awareness about your site and your company. You get to generate a flow of traffic that are potential customers. With a little ingenuity and imagination, plus some incentives or prizes, you can reach out to a great number of people and announce your existence.

Most every site and companies are catching on to the effectivity of Viral Marketing and Advertising. Not using it could kill your business. Along with other schemes and methods in promoting your site, like Search Engine Optimization and such, viral marketing could easily push you ahead in the rating games. 

Viral Marketing could be a sneaky way to get people to know about you and your company. You get them to pass your advertisement along. They are also very low cost that not investing in it could be downright a business suicide. All it takes is a great idea, a good addicting game, a funny story many ideas are still out there. Create a gossip or a buzz, many movies are promoted by using scandals and gossips to make them moirĂ© popular. Remember the movie “The Blair Witch Project”?

Many big companies have tried viral marketing and have had many success stories with it. A classic example is Microsoft’s Hotmail. They were the first known big company to utilize the scheme and it has worked wonders for them. 

Now it’s your turn to use viral marketing to work wonders for you. Act now and reap the benefits Viral Marketing will provide for you and your sales figures.  

Targeted Traffic Is The Secret For Good Sales!

Targeted Traffic Is The Secret For Good Sales!

What is targeted traffic made of, How to get targeted traffic

What's a targeted traffic made of?

The people that wants to find on Internet, what you are offering on your web site, and visit your web site, are called targeted traffic

What kind of traffic will visit your web site?

You will be visited by:

   *  People that where looking for other kind of products and services and arrived there by mistake
   *  People that are looking for similar things to those that you offer at your site
   *  People that are looking for what you have to offer

You must certainly try to avoid the visits of the first group, and encourage the second and the third group people

The second group, are targeted traffic, and even when they are not going to buy YOUR products, may buy Affiliate Program's products offered at your web site or provide you a source of income through Adsense

And the third group, is the kind of targeted traffic that's going to arrive to your web site, with a desire of finding what you are offering, and most probably buy it from you.

The targeted traffic might not be in a buying mood the day that they visit your web site, but they will be receptive to your offerings, and if you give them a reason to return to your web site (having a good content site), they might buy from you in the future.

You may have heard that what you need in order to do a good business with Internet is traffic, tons of traffic. But you don't need just traffic, you need TARGETED traffic because is the only kind of visitors that will provide you a revenue.

So you don't need any visitors, you need qualified or targeted visitors that will respond with a positive attitude, and will want to read what you say at your site.

Can you do business with un targeted traffic?

Yes, you can, but it will cost you much more money and time to do it.

For every 100 or 1000 bulk untargeted visitors you might find one that's really interested in your offer, but if you are in a pay per click campaign you will need to pay for 100 or 1000 clicks to get each sale.

If you are trying to drive traffic through the search engines, is the same, you will need 100 or 1000 times more visitors to get the ones that really care for what you offer.

How can you get targeted traffic?

The most cost efficient way to attract targeted traffic to your web site, is utilizing the search engines, the directories, and links from other related sites.

And how will they provide you with targeted traffic?

They will do it if you reach a high ranking, because if you have the right product or service for your targeted customers, and when they search for it on the search engines or directories, you have your site on place 400, they most likely NEVER find you or buy from you.

So high ranking on the search engines will not only provide you with your targeted traffic, they will also provide you with credibility, and people that find you on their lists, will arrive to your web site, with the kind of mood that you need in a visitor.

Written by Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi

All about the Traffic No blog survives without traffic

All about the Traffic No blog survives without traffic. More so, less traffic only means that the content is not that good. However, there are also instances wherein a great blog does not have enough traffic. The key in getting traffic is to come up with a strategy and make
everyone notice your blog. There are a few things that you need to consider with regards to generating traffic to your blog and these are not that different from planning a regular Web site.

The only exception is that blogs can generate traffic a lot faster. What you only need to consider first is your target audience and where exactly you are generating your blog’s traffic.

The Content

The content of your blog is very important. It is the
reason why people visit your blog. Try to make your
blog interesting and learn to master the ideas
included in your blog. The content should also be
relevant and of high value to the audience. Find out
what your audience wants and if what you are writing
satisfy them.

The content is especially important if you are
planning sales from your blog. Firstly, you must
become a trust-worthy and credible source of
information before people try the product. Blogs are
excellent medium for sales since they allow you to
connect and converse through the use of the content.
You must realize that without a great content, your
blog cannot fully achieve power and leverage against

In order to gain audience for your content, remember
not to publish infrequently. Additionally, do not
criticize others if you do not have facts to support
your claim and references for those facts. If you
criticize, do it in an objective non-personal manner.
What you can do is to publish often and make sure that
the entry you are about to publish is meaningful and
of high-value. Lastly, be yourself to help your
audience relate to you but do not reveal any private

The Ping

Some bloggers take the extra mile just to ping and do
not solely rely on the blog software pings. The blog
software pings’ job is to update the servers for the
purpose of announcing your content updates. Search
engines and blog directories then checks these update
servers for the latest updates; this is the reason why
your blog’s content gets into search engines quickly.

Pings make blogs excellent search engine optimization
tools. There are even instances where it only takes a
day before your content gets into search engines.
However, your blog’s content will only take hours to a
few days to get into most search engines, on average.

When starting a blog, always check the instructions
included. There might be section wherein you can turn
on the blog software ping automatically, which
activates on the background. By doing so, whenever you
publish content in your blog, it will instantly
transmit ping updates.

RSS feeds are also important. Not only will you be
able to publish your content within a short duration
but also replicate your content through the use of
your RSS feed. Nowadays, the flow of your content is
real-time and the RSS allows you to show your content
to a wider audience.

There are several ways to promote your blog. However,
keep in mind that there is no strategy for quick money
when it comes to profitable blogging. It requires
dedication, time, a strategy for the content and
patience before the cash starts flowing in.

Blogging Traffic - Give And Take

Blogging Traffic - Give And Take, Blogging traffic is a give and take relationship. Sometimes one of the best ways to get traffic to your blog is by visiting someone else ’s blog.

Blogging Traffic - Give And Take

Go to their blog and read one of their entries, or read a few of them. Chances are that you are going to
find something that you have in common. When you find something that you find truly
interesting on a blog, leave a comment so that they know that you were there. One of the best known blogs available is LiveJournal. A great feature of LiveJournal is that you can search for interests on their site and it will come up with results of those who have that interest.

Are you interested in horseback riding You can see
what other bloggers are interested in horseback riding
as well.

When you are commenting on someone’s post, you want to
make sure that you don’t leave generic comment. If you
like the post, say something about what you read in
the post.

After you have commented on the person’s post, then
you can say something like, ‘I really like horseback
riding too. I had a similar experience to yours.’ and
then use it to link back to your journal.

But be sure that you sound sincere when you are
commenting, and don’t make them feel like you’re just
fishing for traffic.

If someone thinks that you are using their blog to get
more traffic to yours, they won’t visit your site and
your efforts will be wasted.

Build Site Traffic With Free Blogging

Build Site Traffic With Free Blogging. Don’t have enough readers for your free blog website? Do you want to create your own blog the fast and easy way?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then free blogging sites are for you. Firstly, you might be wondering what blog is all about. A blog or a web blog is like an online log where you can use to build traffic for your website. It can contain any topics you want and it can even contain your diary.

 Build Site Traffic With Free Blogging

So just how do you start blogging for free?

Creating your own blogging website is very simple. You can visit websites that offer free blogs which has step by step process on creating your blogging website. It will usually just take a few minutes of your time to create a blogging websites in sites that offer free blogging web pages.

However, before starting to go to websites that offer free blogs, you should first determine several factors for your blogging web page.

Firstly, you have to think of a name for your blog. To do this, you must first determine what kind of topic you will dedicate your blogging webpage to. Ask yourself what you want to discuss, what are your interests or hobbies or if you have a website that is dedicated to a particular topic, you can discuss that to. It can be anything, it can be dogs, cars, casinos, food, travel, and you can even create a blog about yourself.

After knowing what name your blogging site should have, the next step would be what to put in it. Basing from your title, you will have an idea on what to put on your blog. You can put in any comments you want with different topics regarding your title and headline. You can even post in surveys as your topic; this is very useful if you sell a particular product where you can get consumers opinion on how to sell your product more effectively.

Another way to generate interest in your blog and attract a lot of readers is to make your blog a bit controversial. People like controversies and making your blog one, can create a lot of curious people to read your blog. You should post comments that can be controversial and this can result in many people wanting to post in their comments too.

Now that you have finished creating your blog, with title or headline, a comment, how should you attract people into reading your blogs? One of the best ways is to write an article about a particular topic in your blog and post them into article submission websites. This can generate a lot of targeted traffic and in no time at all.

To make this work, you should write the article with your blog site URL included at the ending of the article or in the footnote. With a good article and a little bit of luck, your blog will be discovered by people and chances are, your blog will create a lot of traffic by word of mouth.

Free blogging websites are one of the most useful tools to generate targeted traffic to your website. It can even generate a lot of loyal readers or fans of your work to post in comments and suggestions regularly to your blogging website and will often recommend it to other people. The best thing about this is that it’s easy, convenient, fun, and as the name suggests, it’s all for free.

Get Traffic with Expired Domain Names

Get Traffic with Expired Domain Names. One of the greatest difficulties in being a new webmaster is trying to acquire traffic.  This is because trying to build legitimate traffic requires both time and money.  How is this so?  Well, if a webmaster is trying to obtain traffic through search engines, they will need to spend a great deal of time with link-building and content creation.  If they are trying to get traffic through a pay-per-click program, they will have to invest hundreds to thousands of dollars if they want to take advantage of a high-performance keyword.  However, there is another alternative that can allow a webmaster to get tons of traffic without having to invest too much in time or money.  It involves purchasing expired domain names.

Get Traffic with Expired Domain Names

What is an expired domain name?  An expired domain name is a domain name that never got renewed by its owner.  This could be for a variety of reasons such as disinterest in the original website, lack of funds or something more serious, such as an owner's death.  Whatever the reason when the renewal fees aren't paid, the expired domain name sits out in cyberspace still functioning as any other domain name.  There is just one difference... an expired domain name doesn't have a website attached to it, so it instead points to a 404 error page.

Indeed, it is a waste of traffic when an expired domain name points to a 404 web page.  Many domain name companies have realized this, which is why quite a few sell expired domain names either through a regular, upfront sale or through an expired domain name auction.   The prices for these domain names can range from less than $100 to over $1 million.  Some of these sales may even include a website.

So, how does a webmaster know if an expired domain name is worth buying?  First, they need to check to see the Google page rank of an expired domain name.  To do this they need to download Google's toolbar and then type in the URL of the expired domain name.  The toolbar will then let them know what the page rank is.  If the page rank indicator is gray, the expired domain name must be avoided since this means the site has been banned by Google.  Otherwise, it should be okay, though webmasters should also take into consideration the actual number associated with the page rank.  If the number is between 6 and 10, they should strongly consider buying the expired domain name. 

Secondly, webmasters need to find out the Alexa rating of an expired domain name.  The Alexa rating determines how much traffic has actually gone to a domain name.  If a website has not received a significant amount of traffic, it will not have an Alexa rating.  To determine the Alexa rating for an expired domain name, webmasters need to visit

Finally, webmasters need to see how many websites are linking to the expired domain name.  To do this they need to put the command link: followed by the URL of the expired domain name into a search engine.  If a lot of links are returned, this is a sign that the traffic coming to the expired domain name originated from legitimate sources. 

Traffic Accidents

Traffic Accidents, On most days, I don't bother to check a live traffic report before I take a trip, but something about that day was different. I had some kind of strange presentiment. I don't believe in psychic powers, but sometimes the coincidences build up so much that the effect is kind of startling. I have always been very afraid of traffic accidents. You see, when I was little, one of my best friends was seriously injured in a major car crash. The person who hit him had been driving drunk, but because he had a good lawyer he was able to get off with a slap on the wrist. Because of that, I was always an extremely safe driver. While my other friends got into traffic accidents in their teens, I never so much as got into a parking lot accident. I was too careful..

Traffic Accidents

Still, something about that fateful day made me worry about getting into a traffic accident. Although the weather seemed to be good, there was a chance of a late afternoon storm. I decided to take the risk and drive anyway. I was going to my grandmother's house, and I didn't get to visit her that often. She was sick and would really like to see me.

The supposedly unlikely storm actually came on quite suddenly. It really surprised everyone. Soon, there were traffic accidents all over the roadway. When I got caught in a pile up, I can't say that I was surprised. I was shocked, but on some level I had been expecting it.

At first, I didn't think that I was seriously injured, but as the days went on I started to develop strange aches and pains. That is when I decided to hire an accident attorney. You see, the insurance company refused to pay for any medical treatments or lost days at work. I was having backaches all the time, and I often had to call in sick. If I could not get my health problems straightened out, I would be in danger of losing my job pretty soon.

The personal injury lawyer definitely straightened things out with the insurance company. Some traffic accidents go on and on in court – so long that the people filing them often have to borrow money against future winnings. This was not one of those cases. As soon as the insurance company saw that I had started to consult a lawyer, they became much more generous.

MLM Marketing and Building Traffic for Your Web Site

MLM Marketing and Building Traffic for Your Web Site. Building traffic is NOT easy and anyone that tells you it is, and they can drive traffic to your site is not being honest.  Try and avoid the "Join us and get more hits" parade and try some of these suggestions instead.  Besides, hits don't always convert to customers either.

MLM Marketing and Building Traffic for Your Web Site

Do you have good content?  It has to provide value to others.  Think about what you say to your audience.  Think about how your writing will affect people. It's hard work, but generates long-term referral traffic.  You've heard that saying "Quality is more important than quantity". When it comes to traffic building, this is VERY true. Focus on creating the best content you can.  

Do you have original content? Yes, it takes way more work to do that, but it will work for you. When visitors to your site read original content, it's going to have an impact on them.  And the best thing?  It's hard to compete with an original content site, and sites like this tend to keep their traffic.  So, if you have a way with the written word, this will stand you in good stead.

Is your content timeless? Is it going to provide value for years to come? If you write something that will be relevant to future generations, it's relevant and meaningful today.  Why is this important?  Timeless content affects people on a deeper level, makes them think, may even promote change in their lives because it has meaning to your readers.  Write about the meaning of things, not happenings.  

Do you write for humans, not computers?  In other words, ignore search engine rankings.  Why would you ignore those rankings?  Because if you write things that people find valuable and meaningful, your word-of-mouth referrals will bring you substantial traffic that stays with you.  In addition, it means you aren't a slave to search engine algorithms.

Do you write in a fashion so people know who you are?  Do you tell stories about yourself to make a point?  To inform? This is the most powerful kind of writing and it can impact on your traffic because people will relate to your experiences.  Letting people know YOU builds a better connection with your audience and gives you repeat traffic.

 What a remarkable way to generate leads, customers, new business, team members, and traffic.

Top 6 Tips For Driving Traffic To Your Blog

Top 6 Tips For Driving Traffic To Your Blog. Blogging is very effective in attracting large volumes of traffic. However, if you really want to drive huge volumes of traffic to your blog, you will need to do more than just bogging.
This article outlines the top seven secrets for driving traffic to your blog.

Top 6 Tips For Driving Traffic To Your Blog

1.      Create high quality content that is rich with your keywords and phrases. This brings two main benefits. First, high quality and useful content will keep your website’s visitors interested and they will visit your blog on a regular basis and will buy the products you sell on your website. Second, fresh content with your key words will improve your search engine ranking which brings traffic to your blog and website.
2.      Optimizing your titles for search engines is also an effective way of driving traffic to your website. You will need to optimize your blogs titles and use all the keywords or phrases which people use while looking for information on the internet. This will make your website visible on search engines, and your website will also rank high for all your keywords, driving traffic to your website.
3.      Use email marketing with your blog. This is an effective way of bringing readers back to your blog as well as to create a list. Having your own list is important because you can sell your products and services to your list. By using an auto responder, you can send emails to your list about updates to your blog, hence driving traffic to your blog.
4.      Social book marking is yet another powerful way to drive traffic to your blog. If you rank high on some of the most popular social book marking sites, you can drive large volumes of traffic to your website.
5.      RSS feed for blog traffic. RSS feed is another way you can use to keep people coming back to your blog because after people subscribe to read your RSS feed, they will get updates continuously. This means that you will be bringing readers back to your blog every time you make a new blog post.
6.      You can use some of your blog posts and covert them into articles. All you have to do is to add more content to your blog posts if necessary, add a catchy article heading and convert it into an article. Writing and submitting articles is one of the most excellent strategies for traffic generation.
These six strategies can significantly increase the volume of traffic to your website and blog.

Word Count: 416

Traffic Lights

Traffic Lights, One of the first things you learn when you learn to drive is how to read and react to the traffic lights. This is something that we actually learn at a very young age, though how to work with them is something that takes on a whole new meaning once you are behind the wheel. My daughter for the longest time said that red meant stop, green means go, and yellow means Greg. She’s a fan of the Wiggles, so the yellow comment didn’t surprise me too much.

Traffic Lights

When you drive, however, the traffic lights become something a little more complicated, especially when you come upon one when you are going fifty-five. That tricky yellow light has always been a problem for me. I don’t come up on traffic lights hoping to race through one, but I do hope to not have to stop. Don’t we all? The problem is that you never know when one is going to change, and you may be faced with slamming on the breaks or gliding through.

I was stopped just a few weeks ago when one of those tricky traffic lights turned yellow as I went around a bend. It’s not the best place for a light, but it has to be there. Once I saw that it had turned yellow, I had the choice of slamming on the breaks violently, or going through at the last minute. I went through, and much to my dismay, there was a police officer just waiting for someone like me to come along. Of all of the traffic lights in the city I was driving through, this one must have been the trickiest.

Thankfully, the officer let me go with a warning, but not without first asking me if I was sure I knew what traffic lights were for. I assured him I did, and he allowed me to go on my way. Ever since, I have been weary upon coming up on any lights, and I know that I could again get pulled over at any time, and this time I might indeed get a ticket. Traffic lights are there for safety, of course, and by all rights I should have gotten a ticket and I know it. Though not all people will learn a lesson when they are left with a warning from a friendly police officer, you can be sure that I have indeed learned to keep a closer eye on the traffic lights that I come upon each day as I drive.

One of the first things you learn when you learn to drive is how to read and react to the traffic lights. This is something that we actually learn at a very young age, though how to work with them is something that takes on a whole new meaning once you are behind the wheel. My daughter for the longest time said that red meant stop, green means go, and yellow means Greg. She’s a fan of the Wiggles, so the yellow comment didn’t surprise me too much.

When you drive, however, the traffic lights become something a little more complicated, especially when you come upon one when you are going fifty-five. That tricky yellow light has always been a problem for me. I don’t come up on traffic lights hoping to race through one, but I do hope to not have to stop. Don’t we all? The problem is that you never know when one is going to change, and you may be faced with slamming on the breaks or gliding through.

I was stopped just a few weeks ago when one of those tricky traffic lights turned yellow as I went around a bend. It’s not the best place for a light, but it has to be there. Once I saw that it had turned yellow, I had the choice of slamming on the breaks violently, or going through at the last minute. I went through, and much to my dismay, there was a police officer just waiting for someone like me to come along. Of all of the traffic lights in the city I was driving through, this one must have been the trickiest.

Thankfully, the officer let me go with a warning, but not without first asking me if I was sure I knew what traffic lights were for. I assured him I did, and he allowed me to go on my way. Ever since, I have been weary upon coming up on any lights, and I know that I could again get pulled over at any time, and this time I might indeed get a ticket. Traffic lights are there for safety, of course, and by all rights I should have gotten a ticket and I know it. Though not all people will learn a lesson when they are left with a warning from a friendly police officer, you can be sure that I have indeed learned to keep a closer eye on the traffic lights that I come upon each day as I drive.

Cheap Web Site Traffic

Cheap Web Site Traffic. Every online company knows that without traffic to their site, they go broke, quickly.  There are many ways to get cheap web site traffic.  One way is pay per click advertising, where you pay per click through to your site, but you do not know if the customer is going to purchase your product, so you do lose some money with that.  Another way is to request links from other relevant, high traffic sites.  Links to other well established sites is like personal recommendations, where you establish credibility fast, which increases the chances that they will buy your product.

Cheap Web Site Traffic

You must be persistent enough with some sites, though.  You want to download the alexa toolbar, which gives you information about a website, such as traffic rating, ranking, contact info, site stats, related links, etc.

You can get free advertising by giving away free expert content to relevant sites itching for some new, fresh content.  Web site owners are always looking for fresh content.  Make sure you write a bit about the author and your web site or product.  As long as it is not competing with theirs, they will not mind. You can post on these sites:

You can become an active expert in a newsgroup that is industry related.  A newsgroup is an online forum where people share information and common interests.  When you post, you are literally talking to your potential customers.  These people do not want to be sold something; they want information from gurus, about the topic they are interested in.  Make sure you have a sig file, or signature and start establishing relationships and prove your expertise. 

Stay with newsgroups that do not accept advertisements.  This is also a great way to gather feedback from your website, straight from the horses’ mouth.  You can reinvent it if you need to and fix it accordingly.  When you post informative articles, people will begin to look forward to your posts, and eventually you may want to direct these people to your brand new newsletter.

Telling Good Traffic from Bad

Telling Good Traffic from Bad. Everyday that goes by you can bet that any serious website owner is wondering how to get more traffic to their site. This intense desire to generate more clicks makes virtually any online entrepreneur easy prey to many of the traffic schemes and scams that pervade the Internet. Wild promises of high volume traffic and big bucks often separate even the most savvy business person from their money because they want to believe the promises made by these traffic hucksters. The problem is that high volume doesn’t necessarily translate into a high sales rate. 

The visitors who come to your website as a result of  a desire to find out more on a specific, niche topic, not as a result of exit traffic or membership in a safe list where members simply pitch each other.  Good traffic comes from people clicking links on topics targeted to their interests and getting directed to a website containing information they want and expect as a result of clicking the link. The bottom line is that when you get right down to it the best and most dependable sources of targeted traffic come from links that people click. 

Being able to determine which clicks actually result in sales is vital. To track conversions from click to sales, depending on the type of shopping cart software you are using, you can then create a custom order confirmation page - i.e. the page that is displayed once the transaction is complete. This is very easy to do if you're using a payment processing service such as PayPal.

It's well known that each search engine and each web site has a particular type of user (age, interests etc.), and they'll all have different triggers leading them to purchase. All of these things are important for you to know so that your advertising dollars will be spent in the most advantageous places. 

Stop losing Valuable Traffic to your website

Stop losing Valuable Traffic to your websiteBe creative when thinking of ways to make your product or service more attractive to your target market.  For example, the New York Times increased the type size and spacing in its editorials to make them easier for aging baby boomer to read.

If you can’t afford a fax machine, then consider signing up for your own, free virtual fax number.  You can get your own online fax number that will send your faxes directly to your e-mail in-box.  If you travel a lot and need to receive faxes from the office, this service is a godsend.

Stop losing Valuable Traffic to your website

You may be losing valuable traffic and not even know it!  Here's something you may never have thought of before:
If I were to type your domain name like as -- into my web browser without the "WWW" so it looked like this: … would I be immediately sent to your site or would I receive a “Page Not Found” error?  Don't be too quick to answer.  Think about it.  Have you tried this before?

Because while most web hosts and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are now set up to accept both, some are not!  And this means that visitors who drop the "WWW" and simply type “” into their browsers may be getting an error message… and you may be losing valuable traffic!
If you try this and find that "" doesn't work, contact your web host or ISP and request that they make the necessary changes.  It's a quick 5-minute fix for them… and everyone they service will benefit.

Some may try to charge you a fee for this change, but I would argue that this is a common service provided by the majority of ISPs and web hosts today.  If they want to remain competitive and keep your business, then you shouldn't have to pay.

However, if they still insist on charging you, and the fee is minimal, then you should pay it.  After all, you're probably losing valuable traffic that will more than pay for this expense in the long run.

It's such a minor problem… but it could be losing you major traffic! So check into this today!

Viruses are hazardous to the health of your computer… and your business.  While there was once a time when the only way you could be infected by a virus was by downloading software from an FTP site or by exchanging floppy disks, today's viruses pose a threat of a much greater magnitude.  Why?  Because e-mail has made the transferring of information so incredibly easy… and FAST! 

It's pretty scary to think that you can get a virus simply by opening a funny e-mail that a friend sent you… or by opening a file that you've downloaded off the Internet. However, if you protect yourself properly, it is unlikely that you will ever have this problem!

One of the best ways to prevent viruses is by installing virus detection software.  However, do not just install it and forget about it!  New viruses are created every day, so you need virus detection software that will automatically update itself on a regular basis. Once a week, if not more frequently, is usually best.

There are dozens of packages available from your local software dealer ... or through Internet downloads. Be sure that you can get regular updates for the package you choose. Some even offer versions that will automatically update themselves every week by logging online, protecting you against the multitude of new viruses that are created every day!

7 Surefire Ways To Increase Your Traffic Starting Yesterday

7 Surefire Ways To Increase Your Traffic Starting Yesterday

Internet. Business. Profit. To fully integrate all of these words into a successful merging you will need another word. Traffic. Every article you will find about making your site or company successful would always include the importance of generating traffic.

7 Surefire Ways To Increase Your Traffic

So, we all know that in the core of it all, traffic is the most essential thing to a successful internet based business company. Aside from ensuring that you have a great product to sell, and you have your company’s internal organization well taken core of, it would be time to get to the nitty gritty of things, generating traffic. 

If you already have a site and you want think that you're not getting the traffic that you're supposed to be getting, then its time to reconsider. If you are contending in these very competitive business, you should always be a step ahead of your competition, increasing your traffic flow should have been done starting yesterday. 

Timing is essential, that’s an old adage known to everyone. But with generating traffic, you should always be on your toes and be a day ahead of everyone. Never think of today and tomorrow as a starting point for making your site traffic laden, it should always have been yesterday.

To help you out in generating more traffic for your site, here are some seven surefire ways to increase your traffic starting from yesterday.

1) Invest in good advertising with search engines

Google’s Adwords and Yahoo’s Overture provide great advertising schemes that are very truly popular and assures great traffic. Although with this surefire way to increase your traffic would cost some money. While some would shy away from spending money to increase traffic, it is imperative in this case to do so because Adwords and Overture is the top surefire way to increase your traffic. 

You could see for yourself the success this search engine advertising methods have reaped rewards for so many companies. Lots of site feature these advertising system and many have signed on to reap the benefits. Do not be left behind. Every penny is worth it with using Google and Yahoo’s advertising.

2) Exchange or Trade Links with other sites

With exchanging links with other sites, both of you will benefit from the efforts both of you do to enhance your sites traffic. When one site features another sites link, they could provide one another with the traffic one site generates. The efforts are doubly beneficial because it would seem like both of you are working to generate more traffic. The more links traded with more sites the more traffic could be expected.

3) Use Viral Marketing 

Viral marketing allows you to spread the word about your company and product without any costs or if ever low costs only. This is a marketing method that can be quite sneaky; you can attach your company’s name, product or link to a certain media such as a funny video, entertaining game, an interesting article or a gossip or buzz. With this method, people get infected with the creativity and entertainment of the medium that they will pass it on to many people. 

4) Search and use proper keywords or keyword phrases for your sites content

Search engines look for certain keywords that they would show in their results page. In doing so, having the right keyword and keyword phrase is a high requirement in ranking in high in search engine results. You could write your own content or you could hire someone to do it for you.

5) Write Articles that can lead traffic to your site

Submit articles to sites that would contain the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell car parts write press releases and articles about cars and car parts. Attach your sites description and services at the end of the article as well as the link.

6) Join forums and form online communities

Capture a market and show your expertise and credibility. When you found a good foundation for your site, people will trust you and your site and will pass on to many people their trust. Traffic will certainly increase because they know that you can provide what they need.

7) Lastly, Offer newsletters. 

If many people know what you are about and your existence is shared with many others, you will find a loyal traffic that can provide you with more traffic by recommendation. If you arouse the curiosity of your customers they would be pushed to help you with your traffic. 

Here's Why Paying For Your Traffic Is A Smart Move

Here's Why Paying For Your Traffic Is A Smart Move. There are so many success stories you will hear about businesses making it good in the internet. The troubling thing is, there are maybe a tenfold or even a hundredfold of stories contradictory to theirs. Many have unsuccessfully launched a business enterprise that is internet based but only a handful shall succeed.

Is this through luck? That is even more remote. It takes good business sense and a lot of help and team effort. Most importantly, it is the eagerness to succeed and the determination to learn and the willingness to invest in a lot of hard work and some money. 

The Very Basic

Like Neo, traffic is “The One”. Without traffic, all your effort would just go to waste. Every business needs customers, without them you wouldn’t have anyone to sell your products to. In the internet world traffic is the walk in customer. The more traffic you have the more people would be able to sell your products to. 

But like any business that’s in every corner building or in the mall, not everyone that goes in will buy, but the greater of number that do come in to browse your merchandise, the greater number of people that will buy your products. It is a simple and known fact.

But, how do you get traffic, traffic large enough that could make a small percentage of eventual buyers enough to make a good profit. Many big companies generate traffic of tens of thousands a day and a measly ten to fifteen percent actually buys, but that small percentage is enough to provide them with good business. 

Many of these success stories get their traffic from paying others. Yes that’s right; you have to spend money to make money. Advertising is the key. The more people that knows that your site exists; the more people would of course go to your site, that’s common sense. 

While there are many ways that can get you advertising for free, this do not generate the same high volume as those methods that are getting paid. These paid advertisements include advertising schemes by Google and Yahoo. 

The Value of Searches

The search and will be the easiest and fastest medium in finding what a person needs in the internet. Search engines have been very popular because they provide a vital service to many people. They are free and easy to use. With this popularity, they get many visitors and clicks that they are the most common sites that people go to. It is easy to understand why so many companies would pay to advertise with these search engines.

Search engines provide information to the millions of users that they have each day. They provide links to many sites that a user may be looking for. If your sites link pop up in the high ranks of the search results page, you get a great chance that they will go to your site. While search engine optimization is a cheaper and low cost way to get your site a high rank, paying for advertisements will ensure that you will be on the top ranks.

When you pay for your advertisements, it is like paying for your traffic. This may sound like not such a good idea, but the payoffs would tell a different story. When you pay for your traffic, you are guaranteed of a consistent traffic flow to your site. You will never go with an empty sales day.

Paying for your Traffic

Usually, you will be charged with the number of hits a link gets when your ads is clicked, this is called pay per click. For some search engines, you will be charged with the number of times your ad shows up when a certain keyword or keyword phrase is searched. It is imperative that you have good keyword content in your ad. There are many tools that aid you in using the right keyword for the right moment. 

All the money you spend in paying for your traffic will not be for naught. You will get an impressive boost in traffic which will also result to a great boost in your sales figures. Paying for your traffic would be a really good idea and you will get all the benefits it has to offer.